Monday, June 26, 2017

A few of my favorite things...Hungary style! Part 1

I've decided to do a little mini series on here just covering a few of my favorite things here in Hungary.

Today I want to share with you something we enjoy doing as a family.  We enjoy taking a walk to a park called NagyerdÅ‘. It's about a 10 minute walk from our house. We love it! So we get our exercise in along with some family time.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Organizing my morning...

I thought I would share with you guys what I do to help my mornings go a lot smoother. Recently I have become more of a morning person. I enjoy my alone time with The Lord in the morning. It makes my day go better! :)

My morning organization actually starts the night before. I have learned what works for me, so I thought I would share it with you guys.

Marty and I are coffee drinkers, we enjoy our morning cup of coffee, or any time of day for that matter. :)  I make up the coffee the night before so all I have to do is turn it on in the morning.

The coffee is all ready to go! 

 Another thing I do is to make sure my kitchen is nice and clean the night before. My day goes so much smoother if I wake up to a clean kitchen. I think it's just mental but I feel overwhelmed when my kitchen is dirty. :)  It doesn't take that much time to keep the kitchen clean. At the end of the night I make sure the sink is clear, the counters are wiped down and the floor is swept.

This is what my kitchen looks like right now.

If it's at all possible I like to make up breakfast the night before. I'll make muffins, or bread, or an oatmeal bake. I have an oatmeal bake cooking right now, and it smells amazing. :) As a side note, Marty doesn't care for oatmeal by itself, but this oatmeal bake is one of his favorites! Here is a link to the recipe! I have to double it because my guys like it so much!

Fresh out of the oven berry oatmeal bake!

I also like to set out my clothes the night before. I know, that's simple, but it keeps my sleepy head trying to figure out what to wear in the morning. I put my clothes on top of the washer, so all I have to do is get dressed and get on with my day.

I like to keep it simple, denim skirt, t-shirt and a cute pair of earrings, and I'm good to go! 

My morning routine goes a little something like this:

6-6:30~I crawl out of bed.

6:30-7~I get dressed, turn the coffee on, and read my Bible. Yes, in that exact order. :)

7-7:30~I work on getting breakfast together and wake my kiddos up.

7:30-8~Breakfast and clearing the breakfast dishes. While the kids get dressed I will go and fix my hair and do my makeup. I feel more put together if my hair is fixed and I have at least a little bit of makeup on. The makeup is a personal preference, and it literally takes me less than 10 minutes to do my makeup.

8-8:15~We do morning family devotions.

Then after that our day starts with whatever we have going on that day.

I hope, in some way, that this will give you some ideas on how to organize your mornings. I would love to hear if you do any of the things I do, or hear any of the things you do to help your mornings be more productive.