Sunday, May 20, 2012

How to pray for your missionaries wife...

I have been thinking about how to effectively pray for the wives of your missionaries.  And here are a few I came up with.

1-     Know them by name!  I know many people know the names of the husband, but what about the wife and the kids?

2-     Know their special needs.  Missionaries have regular families, just like yours and all work together in the ministry. And beside ministry things the wife also has to keep house, school the children, and try to learn a new language during her “free time”  J    Sometimes the wife had special health needs, or is just plain lonely.  Get to know the wife and her needs, and pray for her.

3-     Send a smile!  Sometimes when a missionary family has been traveling on deputation, they have been in the car for several hours and the kids are ready to GET OUT!  So the next time you see a missionary’s wife trying to “keep it together,” try to understand if she doesn’t look like Ms. America. She has been a navigator and a baby entertainer for several hours in the car.  Offer to help with the kids, or to hold the little one.  A friendly smile or a genuine,”I’m praying for you,” can work wonders.

4-     Remember her special days.  Send a card or even an email saying Happy Birthday or Happy Anniversary.  Sometimes they might not be able to go out on a date for their anniversary, but a little thing like a card from home is great.  We have a little old lady that is faithful to send us a Baptist Bread, a letter, and a church bulletin. She tells us how things are going in her church and she is faithful to pray for us. It always makes us smile when we see her letter in the mail. 

These are just a few that I wanted to share. I’m not just saying this for me, but for all the missionary wives you may cross paths with.       


  1. I so agree Miss Masey! Needed to be said! ;)
    Thank you for sharing. I have started following you and this is another way to keep in touch! And I love the style of it! So cute! GOD Bless and hope all is Well. You know I'm praying for You! :D

  2. Great Job Masey, and very true!
