Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I'm blessed

 As I sit here at the kitchen table with my hot tea, a cookie, and the sound of my children playing out in the snow, I am reminded about how blessed I really am. I have been blessed with three healthy, happy children. I have been blessed to be married to my best friend. I also have been blessed to be able to stand beside my husband as we desire to see things done for the Lord here in Greenland.  Sometimes it's easy to look at others and think that life would be so much better if you only lived the way they did.  Truth be told, they are probably looking at your life thinking the same thing!

Over the past few weeks the Lord has really been working on me about being content. I had struggled with it a lot! Thankfully the Lord hasn't given up on me, and He never will.

I think about the Bible verse in Philippians 4:11~ Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.   The thing that sticks out to me in this verse is that contentment is learned. It doesn't come naturally, at least not for me. :) 

The next time discontentment settles in your heart just think about all that The Lord has blessed you with. You may think, well, He's hasn't blessed me with anything. He allowed you another day with your family, another day to watch your children grow up, another breath. See, He has blessed us with so many wonderful things!

I'm not sure if I am making a whole lot of sense, but I just felt like I should share what was on my heart today! Have a blessed day!


  1. Thanks made perfect sense! I think we all struggle with contentment at some point but God is so wonderful! :-)

  2. Very nice Masey! Truth is an awesome gift and to tell it like you do is also a gift! Thank you for a good reminder. I know some around me now that seem to not be content--They own everything outright--Home, cars, a business and they are still looking for something else...Prayers for them to take Philippians 4:11 to heart.

  3. Thank you for the reminder to keep our eyes on our only source of contentment - God Himself! May God continue to richly bless you all there in Greenland!
