Thursday, August 24, 2017

Our school schedule

  I know I've shared a morning routine with you guys before. But, I thought I would share our homeschooling schedule. I like to have it on paper so I can see it. I also like to stick to the schedule as much as possible. I know some days don't go as planned, but having a set plan helps, at least for me.

 As far as curriculum we use Landmark. This is our 3rd year using them, and we really like it. Landmark is an affordable, King James Bible homeschool curriculum. They also have where you can enroll your children in the academy, and have them keep up with your kids school records.    

  This year I have a 5th,6th,and a 7th grader!  

This was too funny! 

Okay, back to the schedule! 

  I'm up by 6, and between 6-6:30ish I have my personal time with The Lord. Like I've said a million times before, this is very important!

6:30-7~I cook breakfast.

7~I wake my guys up, if they aren't already up.

7:15-7:30~Breakfast time

7:30-8~Morning chores

8-8:15~Family devotions

8:15-8:30~We get our school things all ready to go.


*15 minute break


 *15 minute snack break


  *15 minute break


  *1 hour lunch break


  *15 minute break


This is the schedule we try to stick with. It works great for us! I will add that the times listed here are teaching times and when they work on their lessons. I set a timer and when that goes off, the class is done.  Whatever is not done during the class time is homework. 

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

My Testimony

  I was thinking the other about how I got saved, and I realized I have never shared that on my blog. I think it's important to share your testimony of salvation, so here's mine.

  I made a profession of faith as a little girl. It was one of those things, I did because everyone else was doing it. I was never convicted that I was a sinner in need of a Savior. I went several years leaning on that profession of faith.

  I went on and got married and we had our first born, Eli. In February 2005, we were having revival at our church, Bro. Jack Parchman was preaching. I had been under conviction all week. I was miserable! Marty kept asking me to tell him my testimony. He said he liked to hear it. But, in my heart I knew it was fake. I had resisted and told myself that the profession I had made as a little girl was good enough. Well, "good enough" wasn't enough. :) I was married to a preacher after all. :)  I had to swallow my pride, and admit I was lost and on my way to Hell. So, on February 22, 2005 Marty lead me to the Lord.  There was a burden lifted and a new name written in Heaven!

  I'm far from a perfect Christian, but I strive daily to be what The Lord wants me to be.  I would encourage you to share your testimony with others. It may not be a testimony of great flowery words, or a testimony of being saved out of all kinds of sins. If you are saved, your testimony matters. Share it with those around you, you never know the impact it may have! But, if you don't have a personal testimony of when God touched your heart and you admitted that you are a sinner on your way to Hell without Christ, I would encourage you to get saved. Talk to your pastor or a saved friend or family member that can lead you to the Lord.  It's the best decision you will ever make!

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Being weary...

Being weary is something that we all deal with at some point in our lives. Be it physically, emotionally, or spiritually.

I looked up the meaning of weary, Here it is: feeling or showing extreme tiredness, especially as a result of excessive exertion. I know as a wife and mom it's easy to become weary. 

So, let me talk to the wives and mommies for a little bit. :) 

Okay momma! I'm sure many of you have fallen into bed many times utterly and totally wore out. It comes with the territory. :) You go through your day wearing many "hats". Mommy, chef, boo-boo kisser, referee, house cleaner, teacher and so much more. I've been a mommy for almost 13 years. Wow! Crazy to think my oldest will be a teen in two months! Anyway, I'm no where near an expert!! Please don't think that! :) I learn all the time. But a few things that I have learned along the journey of motherhood. And yes, it's an amazing journey. So, a few things you have probably already heard them, but here we go! 

Just some humor to start this off! 

*Take time with The Lord! This is very very important. We can give all we've got to our families, but be sure that The Lord takes the preeminence in our lives. It sets our mood for the day and our mood affects our families moods. On days where I don't get to get my morning devotions in, my day is thrown off and honestly, I can be grumpy. And when mommy is grumpy it has the tendency to wear off on our family. 

*Take time for yourself. No, this is not you being selfish. This is your time to recharge. Even new mommies can take that time while the baby sleeps. The chores will keep while you take some you time. :)

*Give chores! This is one area that I still struggle with. I know, my guys are old enough to do many chores, and they do. But, sometimes it's easy to see a mess that needs cleaned up and just do it myself. But, that makes more work for me and teaches the kids nothing. 

*Ask for help. Again, this is an area I'm working on. We like to think we are Wonder Woman and do it all ourselves. But, as I tell my family, I don't live in the house by myself, so they need to help. And my guys are good about helping. 

*Learn to laugh. In life as a wife and mom, you have to learn to laugh even when you don't feel like it. When you've heard half a million knock knock jokes, heard the same story at least a hundred times, learn to listen and laugh.

*Take that time with your hubby!! You are both busy during the day, I get that. But try to remember that when the kids are of the house, it's you and your hubby left. Until then, take what time you can. Sometimes a full blown date is just not possible. But, you can take some time once the kids are in bed and talk or just curl up and watch a movie or a tv series together. Don't for get to talk to one another. COMMUNICATION IS KEY! If we never talk to one another then our relationship will never grow, and we are left with someone that we barely know, even after years of living in the same house. 

These are just a few things that I've been thinking about lately. 

Galatians 6:9a And let us not be weary in well doing: